Acura MDX: Active Damper System (ADS) Diagnosis and Repair

Diagnosing what is causing your suspension to fail may not be as hard as you think. Here is how you can inspect and fix some common issues on your MDX sport suspension.

By Neftali Medina - May 20, 2016
Contributors: MDxers, Acurazine

This article applies to the Acura MDX.

The Acura MDX Sport suspension system is made from an advanced technology that is able to adapt to the type of environment the vehicle is driven on. Although this system on paper is great, it does have its drawbacks. The system itself can be considered fragile when compared to other suspension components, and if anything is determined to be out of whack, the ADS light will turn on. This light will cause the suspension to either over or under compensate and ruin the overall ride quality. There are a several things that can cause this, but some of the more common ones are listed here.

Acura MDX: Active Damper System (ADS) Diagnosis and Repair

Materials Needed

  • Flashlight
  • Jack
  • Jack stand

Step 1 – Check the strut sensors

There might be corrosion.

There is a very large design flaw on the MDX electronic strut system that can sometimes allow moisture to seep in and corrode the sensors. You can check the top of each strut mount and visually inspect for any corrosion. Some MDX owners have had luck cleaning off the connectors. If there is no corrosion present, check the continuity at the coil connectors (use Figure 1 for reference). At worst, you will need to replace the shock assembly.

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Figure 1. Inspecting each shock sensor.

Step 2 – Check your struts

They may be leaking.

At the end of the day, the ADS is still a moving component that prone to wear and failure over time. The struts are made to mimic an active suspension system, meaning they adjust to the type of terrain being driven on. When the ADS warning light turns on, the strut will default onto a standard suspension setting and will not work properly. This can result in the failure of the actual shock itself.

  • Raise the chassis.
  • Remove each wheel.
  • Inspect each shock for signs of leakage.
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Figure 2. A blown shock leaking fluid.

Step 3 – Retrofit base shocks

They are easier to maintain.

There have been a huge number of issues occurring on the MDX ADS system and most of which reflect the two previously mentioned problems. Although the trouble is rooted in the reliability of the system, it is a highly talked about issue due to the cost to replace each strut. As a point of reference, OEM units cost anywhere from $500 to $1,000 a piece to replace. Due to this, many MDX Sport owners have attempted to replace the Sport suspension with the base model version. Some have had a lot of success, using standard OEM front shocks, coupled with KYBs in the rear. If you experience any issues that require shock replacement to fix, consider this option. More information on MDX Sport shock replacement can be found here.

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Figure 3. A sport model retrofitted with base shocks.

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