Acura MDX: How to Replace Parking Lights

Parking lights are a valuable, easy-to-maintain safety feature. This article will show you how to replace parking light bulbs in the Acura MDX.

By Jared Hammond - April 18, 2016

This article applies to the Acura MDX.

Parking lights are all about maintaining awareness of your vehicle. Parking lights help make others nearby aware that your car is active and ready to move, so it's a good idea to keep your parking lights functional. Changing the parking light bulbs is not a cumbersome process and can be done in a matter of a few minutes.

Materials Needed

  • Replacement parking light bulbs
  • Gloves

Step 1 – Remove the old bulb

Changing your parking light bulbs is similar to changing the headlight bulbs. Start by opening the hood by pulling your hood release lever under the driver's side dash. Locating the parking light bulbs can be a little tricky because they're nested way in the corner of the headlight housing, so you'll really need to reach to get to them. But, just like the headlight bulbs, you simply twist the parking light bulb socket counter-clockwise.

Figure 1. Remove the parking light bulb socket.

Next, simply pull the socket out and tug the bulb out of the socket.

Figure 2. Remove parking light bulb from bulb socket.

Pro Tip

It's a good idea to wear gloves during this job; due to the position of the bulb socket, it's easy to scrape your hands. Alternatively, if you're having trouble reaching the bulb socket from above you can try pulling back the wheel well lining and reaching it from there.

Step 2 – Install the new bulb

Insert your replacement bulb into the socket until it clicks into place. Then, return the bulb socket to the headlight housing. Twist the socket clockwise to lock it into place, and you're all done. Test the parking lights after the install to make sure the new bulbs are working properly.

Figure 3. These HID parking lights are much brighter.

Pro Tip

Wearing gloves is also a good idea because it's recommended to not touch the new bulbs with your bare skin as excess oil can make them burn out faster.

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